Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Gadgets: Helper

          Every month of November, worldwide celebrate the ESP Month. This years theme, "Mapanuring Paggamit ng Gadget: Tungo sa Mapagkalingang Ugnayan sa Pamilya at Kapwa." It shows that gadgets play an important role in our everyday life.  

           A gadget is a small tool such as a machines that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty. Gadgets are electronically simplified applications that make work easy. They play a significant role in the common man’s life and we have grown so used to it that it becomes very difficult for us to think of daily life chores in the absence of machines. Ranging from a washing machine, a chimney or an electric hub, the churner or simply the television set; Instruments have invaded each and every part of our life and have proved themselves to be useful. Today we use various electronic gadgets in our daily life.

          The internet plays an important role in keeping in touch with loved ones both near and far. Raising families in today’s technology-driven society can be daunting. We hear tales of cyberbullying, sexting, identity theft, and child predators that can leave us questioning if our devices deserve a place in our family life. While the threats posed are real, we can’t rule out the many positives technology brings to the table. With intentional choices and smart decisions, we can use technology’s power to connect and strengthen our families in ways that were impossible a decade ago. Based on my research, it is estimated that 91 percent of parents are signed onto social media networks and are actively harnessing the digital age. While it’s nice to unwind with a game of Trivia Crack, many parents are realizing that technology is a convenient method to stay involved with children and family members.

          So, it is always based on how we use these gadgets. If we know how to use gadgets well, we can make our lives easier. And we must always remember that our future depends on our choices.

Monday, November 19, 2018

To Read is to Learn

          Reading means understanding. A man uses his mind to understand what he's reading. Reading is also a way for a man to learn. By reading, we can get many informations and knowledges.

          Every month of  November, the English Month is celebrated. This years theme is, Pagbasa: Susi sa magandang kinabukasan. Which means, through reading we can be successful. We know that by reading we can improve and enhance our minds. We can think further. Because reading is a way to success. Reading is happening everywhere. We can always encounter people who are reading maybe because it's their hobby. Some are reading for fun, some are for inspiration and some are for learning. Any kind of books we read, we can always get an information and we can discover new things. It can improve our vocabulary, it can also help us to think outside the box, they say. The English officers are showing to us that books are important. That there are other things we don't know yet, but if we read books we can again discover these.

          Intelligent people are fund of reading. Wise people love reading. So if you want to become like this kind of people, we must learn how to truly understand everything. And to truly understand everything, we must learn how to read. Because reading means understanding. And understanding is a way to success.


        This 2nd Grading, I learned many things and gained many informations. In 1st Grading, we discussed about Internet and blogs. In this grading, I have learned on how to make my own webpage, how to edit, and improve it. I also learned on how to make a word or phrase, get bold, underlined and many more. I think, this 2nd grading I improved.
In the other hand, even though I'd improved my performances, I still or should I say we still encountered many problems. Specially in the lack of time. In order to address these challenges, we really did our best. I divided my time well. Moving on I will continue and maintain my good study habit for the next grading periods. I'm happy to give the best of me for this last year of my highschool life.

Improving One'self

Every month of September, the National Science Club Month is being celebrated. This years theme is "Wavefront: Accentuating Technological Advancements". The theme means that we must discover our own inner potential so that we can contribute to technological advancements in our ways. Our passion for something can lead us to strive harder or it can make us to work harder for us to make our works more efficient. Contributing to more efficiency is a technology in itself because it help us to make our life easier. If we discover our potential as early as now, we will know more about ourselves such us our strengths and our weaknesses. If we know these, we can capitalize on our strengths and improve our weaknesses so that we can contribute to our society. Who know, we might be the next sciencetist, doctor and other professions right there. Regardless of what occupation we might have, if we accentuate and capitalize on our potentials, we can suck make a difference to make this world a better place - just like how technology does it.

Living Heroes

To commemorate the huge contribution of the teachers, Teacher's day is celebrated on 5th of October every year. Teachers are our second parents. They guide us in the right direction and lead us to success. A teacher dedicates his/her whole life to provide the precious knowledge to the students and help to build a clever and intelligent society. And for those reasons, teachers are considered as living heroes. Since daycare, I felt loved by my teachers. They taught me alphabets and numbers. Teachers don't just teach subjects, they teach us the importance of discipline, hardwork, and more. They give our periodical exams every grading in order for them to know if we truly understand all what they have said to us. From essays, drawings to crunching numbers, and in between is taught by them. Time pass and many faces of other teachers will be identified. I know that in every school year our previous teachers will be passed but a new one will appear. But every single word that teacher have taught me will always stay in my heart. Doctors, police, pilots, all of these professionals were achieved because of this, TEACHER. They are the root of all success. And they will always be crowned as, "Heroes".

Act as One

This year's theme is "Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclussure worl of universal respect for human rights and dignity". I think this theme talks about working together for us to overcome poverty and to cusure no one is left behind. We all know that poverty is the main problem of many countries. So, we must work together. A simple way can have a big impact. We don't need money for us to help, we just need to think. We must teach each other how to respect and love. Or a simple clothings or school supplies can do. We must prioritize the education of every child. We can help by making ourselves a teacher. A teacher who can teach these persons. I think the best way is to make ourselves better. Because if we become a successful person, we can give more help to others. But the key of this poverty is to work and love together. These ways can make our life better. A successful country is one which everyone can work hard and build a better future for themselves and their kids. If we have time, we can still continue to move and help each other for us to build an economy that gives every hardworking people a fair shot at success.

Season of Love

The virgin birth of Jesus is the belief that Jesus was conceived in the womb of his mother Mary through the Holy Spirit without ...