Monday, November 19, 2018

Act as One

This year's theme is "Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclussure worl of universal respect for human rights and dignity". I think this theme talks about working together for us to overcome poverty and to cusure no one is left behind. We all know that poverty is the main problem of many countries. So, we must work together. A simple way can have a big impact. We don't need money for us to help, we just need to think. We must teach each other how to respect and love. Or a simple clothings or school supplies can do. We must prioritize the education of every child. We can help by making ourselves a teacher. A teacher who can teach these persons. I think the best way is to make ourselves better. Because if we become a successful person, we can give more help to others. But the key of this poverty is to work and love together. These ways can make our life better. A successful country is one which everyone can work hard and build a better future for themselves and their kids. If we have time, we can still continue to move and help each other for us to build an economy that gives every hardworking people a fair shot at success.

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