Tuesday, August 7, 2018


          The 21st century is known for "the age of inventions." Internet and gadgets are scattered around the world. That even 3 years old kids these days are addicted to this gadgets. ICT, one of the subjects most student likes. This subject contains varies of lessons that has connection to the internet and computers.

          In the first quarter, we discussed many lessons. Each group was assigned and must have 2 representatives to report and share what they know about the assigned topic of their group. There, I learned many things like the history of internet, it's first use, the inventors, the architects, blogs, types of blogs, their uses, and many more. Each lessons helped me and I learned many things from those. My knowledge about internet and blogs were widen.

          I'm sure all of us have encountered problems and challenges. And I also know that ICT is hard because it has many names, years, and descriptions we need to remember and put in our mind. I encountered problem in managing my time. There are lots of requirements and it's hard for me to focus because of the lack of my time. As a result, some of the requirements I passed was not on time. I also encountered my lack of self - confidence. I always give up so easily. So, in every essay or requirements I made, I feel that I'm always wrong. I always think that my works are below justification. I have more problems but I think, these 2 are enough.

          Of course, in every problem, there's always a solution. I trained myself. Time passed, and I became used to those problems. I learned how to manage my time well. I learned how to divide them equally. And, I also encouraged myself. I asked help to my family, friends and specially God. I opened my ears and listen every single word they have said. I trusted them, and because of that, I started trusting myself.

          This 1st quarter was challenging for me. But I learned many things. I will use those challenges as my motivation for the upcoming quarters and years of learning. Thanks to my friends, family and God, I was motivated. They were my inspiration to try harder. I'm sure, my learning this time will surely guide me for my future. Now, I feel excited for the upcoming 3 more quarters of this school year.


Season of Love

The virgin birth of Jesus is the belief that Jesus was conceived in the womb of his mother Mary through the Holy Spirit without ...