Tuesday, July 31, 2018

His Powerful Speech

          The State of Nation Address (SONA) is always addressed by the President of every nation. It is often broadcasted, serves as a means to inform the nation about its present economic, politikal and social condition. SONA is the summarized of the accomplishments and projects of his/her programme of government until the end of his/her term.

          Rodrigo Roa Duterte, the President of Philippines delivered his 3rd State of Nation Address this last Monday, July 23, at the Session hall of the House of Representatives in Batasang Pambansa Complex, in Quezon City, Metro Manila Philippines. In his speech, he mentioned many issues like the "war on drugs," corruption,  and talked about human rights. "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives." This line he said is my favorite. Human rights allow a person to live with dignity and in peace, away from the abuses that can be inflicted by abusive institutions or individuals. But the fact remains that there are rampant human rights violations around the world, like trafficking. Many Filipinos are arguing with this because of the time they'll waste because of the traffic. But I know that President Duterte stated this because he knows whats the best for his people. There are many people who died because of car accidents, so this can be a solution. But still, this has a negative effect. But life is more important than time. And I know that President Duterte only thinked whats better for his nation.

          This 3rd SONA of President Rodrigo Duterte was his shortest yet, meaningful and I know that these issues he had spoke are whats make the best for his nation and citizens. So, we must also respect our President and we must look forward for more projects and improvement of this nation.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Give then Receive

          Every month of July, the nation celebrates the nutrition month. Through this, we can get many knowledge on how important healthy living is. A good lifestyle is a good start of being healthy.

          The theme, "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrition Aanihin," reminds us that planting and producing fruits and vegetables is important, for we can achieve and have healthy life and it is not just for ourselves but it can also benefit the next generation. Let planting be our nature, because planting can shape our future.

          Planting is easy but we are lazy. It doesn't mean that we are lazy to plant, but it is because of the gadgets. We are chained with this. We get so addicted to these gadgets that's why we don't have much time to plant. There are also many manufactured and processed foods everywhere. We should remember that these foods are not healthy.

          This theme tells us that we must be used in planting trees or vegetables because those trees are where we get our basic needs. So for me, it is a cycle, keep planting if you want to keep gaining or earning. We need to let planting be our nature for it can shape our future. Give love to our nature, then you'll receive more.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Letter to the President

Mark Lei Dayag
Tamorong, Sta. Catalina
Ilocos Sur

July 10,2018

Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace, Manila

Dear President,

          A pleasant morning to you sir. I am writing this letter for you to show my gratitude. To be honest, I did not liked you to be our President because I did not know you. But when you showed that you are fitted to be our President, I started liking you. When you said that change is coming, it really came. You said you hate drugs and you were successfully defeated and lessen the drug users here in Philippines.

          You became the President because many people have trusted you. WE,  the citizens of Philippines need you to be a good model and leader of ours. We need your leadership and I hope that you will make this country progressive.

          I expect that you will work for the promises you said. We believe in you and you hold the lives of many people. Many people hated you for you are always saying bad words in public but for me, I accept you because I know that you are used and it will not affect on any projects or platform you will be working on. So, I hope that you will lead this country and help many people so that the Philippines will become more progressive in the future.

                                                                                                                                   Sincerely Yours,
                                                                                                                                   Mark Lei Dayag

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Day Philippines became a Free Country

          Independence, this is the time when a country or region gains political freedom from outside control. For the Filipinos, we have this day called, Independence Day. This is the day when our ancestors gained their freedom to the people who invaded Philippines. This is the day when we became independent. So, why are Filipinos celebrate Independence Day?

          We celebrate Independence Day to recognize the doings and sacrifices of our heroic citizens. Our ancestors became victorious guarding our nation to those people who wanted to colonize the Philippines. Our heroes fought and sacrificed their lives to save and to give freedom to their fellow Filipinos. They showed bravery and kindness in helping their fellow citizens. We had a group of men called "Katipunan", they were the one who lead the Filipinos who saved and were ready to give their all to sacrifice  their selves in order to save their families. They became victorious and had won the battle. But still, many lives had been taken but it is worthy because they saved our nation.

          That is the day when we got our freedom and became independent. The day when our ancestors won and successfully defended our nation, it is now called Independence Day. Until now, we are still celebrating this important day because without the heroic citizens of Philippines, maybe this country had never became a "free country."

Season of Love

The virgin birth of Jesus is the belief that Jesus was conceived in the womb of his mother Mary through the Holy Spirit without ...